Zimbabwean Ngoma Rhythms and songs book 1

Bulawayo Township Rhythms & Songs, 1995 to 2010

Article 2

Chapter 1

Introduction to Ngoma/iNgungu Basic Strokes

Most of the 4/4 or 2/4 Township Rhythms are played using the hand-to-hand sticking (RL RL RL RL or LR LR LR LR).
The primary strokes are Tap Strokes and the accents can vary from Tone, Bass, Muffle, Accented Muffle, Slaps etc., and the stroke that is native to Zimbabwe, which is an Accented Tap. The nonaccented taps are usually a demarcation of the beat by 4.

Ngoma/iNgungu is one of – or perhaps the oldest – type of African drum and there are more techniques that may come according to one’s feeling, but those listed above are the main basic strokes.

ACCENT – a louder and more defined stroke, also called ‘stress’ in music, it is the momentary emphasis on a particular rhythmic or melodic detail.
STICKING – states the hand assigned for that note. Sticking is the process in which we assign certain notes to either our left or right hand
FLAM – Almost striking at the same time with two strokes but allowing a minor delay between the two notes. A flam is comprised of two single strokes that are played at different heights. The highest and loudest note is called the primary note, while the lowest and softer note is called a grace note. However in the Township style we use ‘flat flams’ also known as ‘double stops’ – when grace and primary notes are played in unison.

This book is mainly for hand drummers, but a kit drummer can substitute
– the taps with hi-hat strokes
– accented taps with the snare
– bass with the bass drum, and
– the open tones with the toms


Practice takes place in two ways:
technical and spiritual.
Technical practice involves reading
and applying everything from the
Spiritual practice is about playing what the muscles would have remembered, while allowing the creative and spontaneous part of you to explore.

The spiritual part is inspired by your
zeal and passion, but comes only after mastering the technical part.

Music is a discipline because it requires
discipline. Set aside a specific time each day, dedicated to mastering the styles. After that, playing for pleasure is 24/7!

How to use the book:

– Get comfortable and prepare for a few hours of practice. Place the book upright near your drum so you can read it clearly.
– Read and understand the symbols used for strokes and techniques.
– Play each exercise several times over. Stay on each example until you can play it correctly 4 times without stopping, before moving to the next one.
– Once you have mastered the exercises and songs, play in allegretto to allegro tempo (see
Glossary) – but not for Playing to Reggae (6d).

Practical care

One has to get used to playing so that the hands can adjust and resist blisters. Until then hands are likely to get blisters, but once one gets the correct technique, the blisters and callouses will stop. In the event of sore hands, soak them in warm water with salt for 2-5 minutes and then
apply hand lotion. If it’s too painful, it may be advisable to take a break and rest your hands until they heal.

This passage is an extract from the Bulawayo township rhythms and songs Book 1. ISBN 978-0-7974-9249-3, EAN 9780797492493. You can Purchase a full copy by following this link and also subscribe to our YouTube and Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for video tutorials.
Contact +263 774 096 269
othnellmangoma@gmail.com Facebook: Othnell Mangoma Moyo
Editing: Penny Yon

The next article will be on the 2nd of March 2022 and will go right into the rhythms and the reference videos will be on Othnell Mangoma Moyo’s YouTube channel

Published by Othnell Moyo

Othnell "Mangoma" Moyo is a Zimbabwean Performing Artist,Instrument Builder and Author. He plays, sings, dances, writes and teaches about African ethnic instruments and has been active as an creative since 2001. For more check the following links; https://greenenterprize.org/artists/othnell-mangoma-moyo/ https://www.facebook.com/mangomamusic/ Instagram: @othnell Twitter: @OthnellMoyo SoundCloud: https: //m.soundcloud.com/search?q=Othnell+moyo YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp06FZbhufIc8xzD4MZP2zg Music In Africa Profile: https://www.musicinafrica.net/users/othnell-moyo Runkeeper Profile https://runkeeper.com/user/2706658394/profile

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